A letter from our CEO

This moment is so surreal and I cannot believe that I am sitting here writing my first blog post for Billings Productions! This company has been in the works for years and I am so excited to finally share it with all of you! 


I created this company in my grandfather’s name- Arnold Billings. He was the hardest working and most family-oriented man I have ever met. He was so supportive of all our dreams while also instilling responsibility by having us do chores on his farm. As a child, I did not realize how much I was learning or how much I would miss being on the farm with him.

My siblings and I would put on shows for the family on the hay wagon my Grampy had. He was always the first one sitting in a lawn chair excitedly waiting for the show to start (or end because let’s be honest, they were probably pretty ridiculous). However, he sat there with my Grammy and they would watch as we put on the performances of our lives.

He also had this big red barn that housed many animals and served as his sanctuary. It always smelled like oil and sawdust. It was one of his favorite places on the farm and I spent many weekends and summers in that barn.

The barn in our logo represents the red barn he had on his property.

Now it is falling apart and the paint is chipping. In his memory, I am rebuilding his barn and making it into a home. A home where newcomers, seasoned professionals, and film buffs can collaborate and support one another. A home where everyone is included, represented, safe and heard. I want to encourage people to tell their unique stories and evoke conversations, regarding topics such as social injustice and mental health.

There’s a saying that nothing is original anymore, maybe that’s because the white narrative is what we’re all accustomed to seeing. Often, minorities are casted only to check a diversity box, or scripts are written for a white character and then producers simply cast the role non-white. We must do better and create new standards that provide representation for all. At Billings Productions, we add perspective and authenticity to our productions. We create entertaining and diverse content that is relatable to audiences and representative of the world we live in. Social climates have evolved and will continue to do so; Billings Productions will be at the forefront of the change. 

Our team is composed of creatives at different levels in their career. Our CFO, Emmett, is resourceful and, like myself, has held an acting career in the past. Storytelling is at his core and it shows when he leads a conversation in our creative meetings. Raghav is our COO and one of the biggest dreamers I know. He radiates passion for filmmaking, and it translates into the way he directs on set and speaks to others in the industry. Sadie is our project manager and has been with me from day one. Without her creative energy on both corporate and film production agendas, we would not be where we are today. Riley is one of our staff writers and her positivity is contagious. Her writing is poetic and emulates her passion. Matt designed our brand and helped me discover what I wanted this company to represent. He spent many hours with colors, fonts and design software to bring us our logo and branding. Nathan has brought an abundance of creative ideas and research abilities to the team. Natasha is a valuable asset and guides us through strategies on how to compete in a world full of film production companies. But really, there’s no company like ours. 

Filmmaking has long been used as a tool of expression for creatives and activists. This niche craft has expanded into a worldwide industry, but there is still much room for growth. Through movements like #BlackLivesMatter, #Metoo and #TimesUp, the toxic environments created and inappropriate representation are being examined and corrected. Yet many of these changes are getting more attention at the top tiers of Hollywood. The independent film community is immense - full of passion and talent. My goal with Billings Productions is to be a home for the modern independent filmmaker. We will provide resources to filmmakers, whether they are fresh on the scene or a veteran to the process. 

At Billings Productions, we will implement mindfulness procedures and therapy resources for all staff/cast/crew members and for each production. This is not your typical production company; Billings Productions is home for the modern indie filmmaker.




Writing a Screenplay: Where to Begin